[Important Note: TVP will cease accepting new applications after 31 December 2024.
(Read more: Press Release)
What is TVP?
Launched in November 2016, TVP aims to support local enterprises/organisations in using technological services and solutions to improve productivity, or upgrade or transform their business processes.
During economic depression, enterprises look for a chance to overcome the situation with business upgrade or transformation, for example the application of ERP. However, without the input of capital, it would just be an empty talk.
While “TVP” provides the sponsorship, Yonyou serves with professional technological solutions that help your business to address the following issues: lack of crosss-departmental collaboration, unorganized information, lack of real-time data, lots of manual processes, etc.
TVP Key Features
- Provide funding for projects on a 3 (Government) : 1 (enterprise / organization) matching basis.
- Successful applicants must contribute to no less than one fourth of the total project cost.
- Cumulative funding ceiling per enterprise/organisation: HK$600,000.
- Up to 6 projects per enterprise/organisation.
TVP Application
- TVP invites applications for funding all year round.
- An entity should register as a user and submit its application through the TVP Funding Administrative System.
- Applicants may approach the Innovation and Technology Commission (ITC) for assistance if they encounter difficulties in submitting applications through the TVP website.
TVP Eligibility
- Registered in Hong Kong under the Business Registration Ordinance (Cap. 310); or Incorporated and registered in Hong Kong under the Companies Ordinance (Cap. 622); or Established in Hong Kong by relevant ordinances as statutory bodies; or subsidiary of any government subvented organisation;
- Not a listed company in Hong Kong, and not a government subvented organisation
- With substantive business operation in Hong Kong which is related to the project under application at the time of application.
TVP Application Required Documents
- Copy of Form 1(a)/1(c) of Business Registration Office or Form NAR1 of Companies Registry.
- Evidence of business operation (e.g.invoices/receipts issued within threemonths before submission of application).
- Copy of identity proof of the signatory on the application form.
- Copy of quotations for all expenditure items.
Yonyou - Eligible Service Provider for TVP
Yonyou is now an approved technology service provider for the Technology Voucher Program. We can assist your company in building digital systems while also helping you receive voucher subsidies to ease cash investment pressures.
According to Annex B of the Guidance Notes for Applications of Technology Voucher Program (TVP), Yonyou can provide your company with enterprise cloud services and solutions in 10 areas: finance, HR, supply chain, marketing, procurement, manufacturing, R&D, project management, assets, and collaboration. These projects are eligible for TVP subsidies to assist in your company’s digital transformation.
What Yonyou can do for you?
You can choose Yonyou’s digitalization services according to your company’s requests, and Yonyou will provide related solutions and assist you in submitting the Technology Voucher Programme (TVP) application.

Understand customer’s requirements and suggest related solutions.

Prepare required documents with our professional consultants

Product Development
Provide end user training on developed products.

Government Approval
Submit final report and get your allowance.
Choose Yonyou to Start the Efficient Growth