Visualize digital twin, build a no-code platform

Business Intelligence: 3D Visual Modelling

Yonyou’s 3D data visualization tool is able to build 3D data analytics scenarios in geometric and physical dimensions.Through real-time data-driven 3D models, it extracts complicated information from data and provides visualization, enabling digital intelligence.

Facilitating the integration of physical world and data analytics to help enterprises manage their business

Analytics Cloud 3D visual modeling virtualizes the data handling and monitors everything comprehensively. Enterprises apply Analytics Cloud in all dimensions to monitor business easily, driving growth.

Virtual FactoryVisual monitoring and remote control of the entire production process
Digital twinAutomated digital twin modeling of business process
3D visibilityReal-time visibility of key operational metrics
Operation ManagementProduction and operation status monitoring and alerting
Educational Sandbox"One picture" for a multi-dimensional real-world scenario planning

3D visual modeling provides user a highly engaging data visualization experience

Yonyou’s design tool for 3D virtual visualization provides drag-and-drop no-code development, 3D model preset libraries, build scenarios freely and efficiently, and browse multiple sites without plug-ins, perform 3D integrated analytics, and combine 3D animation effects with real-time data analytics.

Advantage 1

Digital twin

Based on WebGL, 3D data visualization tools support iOS 8 and Android 5.0 or above without any plugins.

Advantage 2

Big data

The Hadoop-based distributed storage platform supports millisecond real-time streaming data integration and terabytes of massive data processing.

yonyou 3D visual modeling

Advantage 3

Easy to expand

The cluster size scales flexibly with the business, protecting the initial investment. The ecosystem is well-rounded and open, applied with common industry interfaces and data formats.

Advantage 4

Security and Reliability

The IoT gateway adopts active reporting for greater security. Encrypted transmission is based on SSL protocol to prevent tampering attacks. It is a security system which owns role permission, object permission and data permission.

Analytics Cloud solution is just for you

Digitalized data analytics services deliver commerical values

3D Visual Modeling

Based on the high performance of WebGL’s B/S, 3D visualization has a real-time display of process flow and alarm messages.

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Business Intelligence Report

The intelligent production of daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual reports allows executives and employees to focus on operation data analytics.

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Analytics Cloud

– Establish a data-sharing platform
– Improve the efficiency of operational data analytics
– GIS map, multi-level map, and 60+ graphical model

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About Yonyou

A Global Leading Provider of Digital and Intelligent Enterprise Software and Cloud Services.


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ecosystem partners

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